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中文摘要: 应用Barnus带通滤波方法,对1997年春季两次发生在滇南的冰雹、大风天气进行滤波分析。结果表明:冰雹大风发生前,昆明准静止锋附近低层有中尺度的扰动波列通过,风雹地区包括一个上升运动中心和下沉运动中心。
中文关键词: 冰雹大风,中尺度扰动,带通滤波
Abstract:The Barnus band-pass filtering method was applied to analyze two high wind and hail events,which occur in spring over the southern Yunnan.The results show that there are mesoscale waves within the lower atmosphere near Kunming Quasi-stationary Front before the convective weather happens.The area of high wind and hail includes a sinking motion center and a ascending motion center.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.The Mesoscale Disturbance Features of High Wind and Hail Event over Yunnan in Spring[J].Meteor Mon,26(12):16-19.
,2000.The Mesoscale Disturbance Features of High Wind and Hail Event over Yunnan in Spring[J].Meteor Mon,26(12):16-19.