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中文摘要: 将所有可能子集回归模型用于云南雨季开始的预报试验,选取有实际预报意义的500hPa、海温头年1~12月及同年1~3月网格点资料作为共同影响因子,分别与云南各站降雨量建立最优子集回归模型,对1998年、1999年的雨季开始期雨量进行独立预报表明:模型预报准确率优于逐步回归模型。从实况检验来看,效果较好,前期1~3月预报因子和模型适合低纬高原降水预测。
中文关键词: 最优子集,雨季开始,试验
Abstract:All potential subset regression models were used to forecast experiment of the beginning of the rainy season in Yunnan province.The grid point data of 500 hPa and SST during the periods from Jan.to Dec.next before this year and from Jan.to Mar.this year were selected for the influent factors.The factors combined with rainfall at weather stations in Yunnan province were used to built the optimum subset regression model.The model was applied to forecast the rainfall of rainy season in 1998 and 1999.The model forecast accurate is better than the stepwise regression.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.Application of Optimum Subset Regression to Forecast the Beginning of the Rainy Season in the Low Latitude Plateau[J].Meteor Mon,26(11):24-26.
,2000.Application of Optimum Subset Regression to Forecast the Beginning of the Rainy Season in the Low Latitude Plateau[J].Meteor Mon,26(11):24-26.