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中文摘要: 通过对长春国家基准气候站1986~1997年夏季(5~9月)E601型与小型蒸发器12年蒸发量及1997年冬季(10~4月)的冰面蒸发对比观测资料,进行相关分析和对比分析,得到两种蒸发量的折算系数,求出了累年E601型蒸发量的气候估计值。
中文关键词: 蒸发量,资料分析,气候估计值
Abstract:The evaporation capacity in the summer (May to Sep.) from 1986 to 1997 and ice surface evaporation in the winter of 1997 (Oct.to next Apr.),measured by small-sized evaporation gauge,were compared with the measurement by E601 at Changchun National Standard climatic station.The conversion coefficient of two Rinds evaporation data was obtained by correlation analysis and contrast.The climate estimated values of E601 evaporation for years in succession were obtained.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.Contrast Analysis of E601 Versus Small-sized Evaporation Gauge[J].Meteor Mon,26(10):45-48.
,2000.Contrast Analysis of E601 Versus Small-sized Evaporation Gauge[J].Meteor Mon,26(10):45-48.