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中文摘要: 在分析环流背景的基础上结合风廓线仪探测资料对“990906”龙卷风作了较为详细的物理剖析。分析发现,途经上海市的9909号热带风暴的残留涡旋由于西风槽的切入,动量迅速增大,形成中尺度强对流辐合云团,其中生成了4个龙卷风暴。龙卷风暴在成熟阶段其环境气团的低空暖气柱逆温结构十分明显,垂直测风突然逆转了360°。沙氏指数SI小于-6℃,气层极不稳定。
中文关键词: 龙卷风,涡旋,MCC,风廓线仪,稳定度,逆温结构
Abstract:Based on the synoptic situation and the wind profiler data,the detailed physical analysis of a tornado,which occurred on 6 September 1999,was given.Accumulating with westerly trough,the momentum of Tropical-Storm-9909′s remains increased suddenly and a mesoscale convective complex (MCC) formed.Four tornadoes developed in this MCC.It is found that there are apparently inversion structure and a 360-degree backing of wind direction in low level warm column at the mature stage of tornado.The air is very unstable with an index of SI below -6℃.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.An Analysis of a Tornado in Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,26(9):19-23.
,2000.An Analysis of a Tornado in Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,26(9):19-23.