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中文摘要: 在考虑环流的动态演变特征在降水预报中重要性的基础上,设计了一种环流演变动态相似预报方法,在1000hPa气压场、850hPa温度场、500hPa高度场分别提取3个物理意义清晰、又具有立体性和多元性的相似因子,采用本文设计的二级相似标准,以ECMWF数值预报产品作为预报资料与历史资料库进行滚动映射,寻找最优相似个例,制作长江上游降水面雨量的逐日滚动预报,效果较好。
中文关键词: 动态相似,二级标准,降水预报
Abstract:A dynamic similarity method based on the dynamic development of the atmospheric circulation was applied to the quantitative precipitation forecast.Three-dimensional and pluralism features were collected.By two grades of similarity standard,the most similarity case by mapping the ECMWF products with the history data was found and applied to the quantitative precipitation forecast in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River.The method was proved effective.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.Application of a Dynamic Similarity Method to Precipitation Forecats in the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River[J].Meteor Mon,26(6):40-43.
,2000.Application of a Dynamic Similarity Method to Precipitation Forecats in the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River[J].Meteor Mon,26(6):40-43.