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中文摘要: 采用非随机化-区域控制模拟试验方案,对江西柘林水库区域(1979~1982 )飞机人工增雨作业结果进行重新评价;通过与其它非随机化试验方案比较,区域控制模拟试验方案能够客观定量反映出柘林水库飞机人工增雨作业实际结果,是一种比较理想的人工增雨效果检验方法。分析结果表明,每次飞机人工增雨作业平均增雨量1.37mm/4h,相对增雨率24.92% (α<0.05);经准确度比较,区域控制模拟试验方案产生的假效果为0.53% ,属最小;而序列试验、区域对比试验、历史回归试验产生的假效果分别为9.89%
中文关键词: 飞机增雨,区域控制模拟试验,效果评价
Abstract:By using of a simulation test with a non-randomize area control,the effect assessment of airplane rain enhancement over Zheling Reservoir of Jiangxi province from 1979 to 1982 was conducted and compared with other non-randomize tests.It is shown that the area control test is an objective assessment method better than others.Mean rain enhancement of every airplane operation is 1.37mm per four hours,and the relative rate of rain enhancement is 24.92%.By comparing accuracy of every method,the false effect of area control test is 0.53%,but the falso effect of sequence test,area contrast test and historical regression test is 9.89%,-19.52% and 19.58% respectively.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.Effect Assessment of a Simulation Test of Airplane Rain Enhancement with Area Control[J].Meteor Mon,26(4):37-40.
,2000.Effect Assessment of a Simulation Test of Airplane Rain Enhancement with Area Control[J].Meteor Mon,26(4):37-40.