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中文摘要: 根据塔里木油气管道沿线周围近20个气象测站36年(1961~1996年)日照时数和经纬度及海拔高度资料,采用逐步回归方法,建立了塔里木油气管道沿线年日照时数推算模式为y =- 2345.0630+66.0556φ+ 31.5592λ。在此基础上,应用统计学导出的极值分布(Ⅰ型分布)概率模式对塔里木油气管道中间站的太阳能电站的年日照时数不同概率设计值进行推算。由此揭示了塔里木盆地年日照时数分布规律。建议以年日照时数30年、50年、100年一遇极值,作为油气管道中间站的太阳能电站工程设计中的设计值。这对于塔里木油田地区建筑设计和油气管道中间站太阳能电站工程设计等都具有重要的科学意义和工程价值。
中文关键词: 日照时数,设计值推算,油气管道沿线
Abstract:The stepwise regression method was used to analysis the sunshine duration,the latitude longitude and sea level elevation of 20 weather stations in the Tarim basin during 36 years from 1961 to 1996.A calculating model of annual sunshine duration along the Tarim oil gas pipeline was given.Annual sunshine duration with different probabilities at the solar energy power stations of the middle station of the pipeline was estimated in terms of the extreme distribution probability model,and the distribution feature of annual sunshine duration in the Tarim basin was described.The extremes of annual sunshine duration once every 30,50 and 100 years were referred to as the designed value in the project of solar energy power station.These values are of importance in the development of the oil gas resources at the Tarim oilfield.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,2000.A Calculation of Sunshine Duration at the Solar Energy Power Station in Tarim Basin[J].Meteor Mon,26(2):45-49.
,2000.A Calculation of Sunshine Duration at the Solar Energy Power Station in Tarim Basin[J].Meteor Mon,26(2):45-49.