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中文摘要: 通过对713天气雷达观测资料的统计分析,揭示了山东4~8月份强对流天气回波时空分布、产生源地、移动路径及回波参数指标等雷达回波气候特征,对强对流天气短时预报具有指导作用。
中文关键词: 强对流天气,雷达回波,气候特征
Abstract:The statistical analysis of the radar-713 observation data was conducted.The climatic features of the radar echoes of severe and convective weather from April to August in Shandong province were revealed:spatial and time distribution,occurring location,moving track and parameter characteristic.The result is useful to the short time forecast for severe and convective weather.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1999.The Radar Echo Climatic Features of Severe Convective Weather in Shandong[J].Meteor Mon,25(8):40-43.
,1999.The Radar Echo Climatic Features of Severe Convective Weather in Shandong[J].Meteor Mon,25(8):40-43.