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中文摘要: 回答器是高空探测仪器的组成部分。长期以来我国一直使用以电子管为主要元器件的回答器,目前在回答器的关键元器件中,晶体管替代电子管已由趋势变为现实。中国气象局从1997年起在全国范围内推广使用晶体管回答器。作者从原理、性能测试以及正确使用方法等方面对晶体管回答器作了介绍。
中文关键词: 晶体管回答器,原理,使用
Abstract:The transmitter is one of important upper-air sounding instruments.A volume tube as a key element of the transmitter has been used for a long period,it has become a reality that the volume tube is replaced by a transistor in the transmitter.The transistor transmitter Type GPZ5-3 has been used in all upper-air sounding stations since the beginning of 1997.The information of this instrument including its principle,specifications test and the right operation was described.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1999.The Principle and Operation of Transistor Transmitter Type GPZ5-3[J].Meteor Mon,25(8):34-36.
,1999.The Principle and Operation of Transistor Transmitter Type GPZ5-3[J].Meteor Mon,25(8):34-36.