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(安徽省黄山气象管理处,黄山 242709)
The Climatic Characteristics of Snow Glaze and Rime in Huangshan Mountain
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中文摘要: 用黄山1956~1996年气象资料,分析讨论了黄山雪、雨凇和雾凇的气候特征。结果表明:①年降雪日数、雨凇日数和雾凇日数均为多波振动的时间演变规律,年际变化具有阶段性,并存在准12年周期的低频振荡。②10月到次年5月份都有可能出现降雪、积雪、雨凇和雾凇,冬季出现日数最多;3月份比冬季各月略少,但雨凇日数多于12月份。③降雪初日最早为9月17日,终日最迟为5月26日;积雪、雨凇和雾凇初日最早在10月份,终日最迟在5月上、中旬。④日最大降雪量为30mm,出现在3月中旬;电线积冰最大重量为12.148kg·m-1,出现在12月。⑤雨凇保持阶段的气温在-4.5~0.8℃之间,比雾凇和雨雾凇高,次数按风向分布无明显差异;雾凇和雨雾凇在NW风向附近出现次数最多。
Abstract:The climatic characteristics of snow, glaze and rime in Huangshan mountain were analysed with the meteorological data obtained from 1956 to 1996. The results show that: a) the days of snow, glaze and rime in a year are characterized by a time varying feature of multi wave fluctuation, and their interannual change is periodical and there is a 12 years quasi period of low frequency fluctuation;b) It is possible that snow, snow cover, glaze and rime generate in the period from October to next May, most the days of snow, glaze and rime are in Winter, the days in March are less than in the months of winter, and the days of glaze in March are more than that in December; c) the first day of snow is on 17 September and the end day is on 26 May, the first days of glaze and rime are in October and the end days are in the first or second dekad of May; d) the daily maximum snow is 30mm in the second dekad of March, the maximum weight of snow cover on wire is 12.148kg; e) the air temperature during glaze is -0.45~0.8℃, more than that during rime and glaze/rime. The generating frequence of snow, glaze and rime in wind direction distribution is not obviousely different, and the frequence of glaze and rime in NW wind direction is the most.
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Author NameAffiliation
,1999.The Climatic Characteristics of Snow Glaze and Rime in Huangshan Mountain[J].Meteor Mon,25(2):48-52.