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中文摘要: 根据1993年1月和7月郑州市中心测点和南郊郑州气象观测站同步观测的地面和边界层气象资料,分析了郑州城市下垫面对边界层风的影响。结果表明,在地面气压梯度比较小且天气晴朗条件下,郑州存在城市热岛环流。受城市热岛环流影响,郊区地面风向指向市区;边界层800m以下,城市上空吹偏西风时同一高度上南郊风向偏于城市风向左侧,吹偏东风时同一高度上南郊风向偏于市区风向右侧;1200m以上,城市上空吹偏西风时,同一高度上南郊风向偏于城市风向右侧
中文关键词: 热岛环流,边界层,风场,垂直分布
Abstract:Analysis is carried out of the influence of underlying surface on boundary layer wind in Zhengzhou city,based on the surface and boundary layer data observed synchronously in the observation cite of city center and south suburbs meteorology observation station of Zhengzhou in the January and July 1993. Results show that there is a city system of winds,i.e.,city heat island circulation around Zhengzhou city,in the cloudless and small surface presure gradient condition. In the influence of city heat island sirculation,suburban surface wind is urbanward; under 800m,when wind over urban is westly,wind over south suburban is from its left flank at the same height and when wind over urban is eastly,wind over south suburban is from is right falnk; above 1200m,when it is westly,wind over south suburban is from its right flank.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1998.The Influence of Zhengzhou City on Boundary Layer Wind[J].Meteor Mon,24(7):10-13.
,1998.The Influence of Zhengzhou City on Boundary Layer Wind[J].Meteor Mon,24(7):10-13.