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中文摘要: 利用713型测雨雷达资料,对江西强降水回波参数特征进行统计,分析结果表明:强降水与回波顶高、回波强度、水平尺度及地形等有关,为强降水天气预测提供了依据。
中文关键词: 强降水,回波参数,特征
Abstract:Using the Radar-713 detecting rain data,the radar echo parameter characteristics of severe precipitation in Jiangxi Province was analysed statistically. The results show that the severe precipitation was related to echo top height,echo strength,level scale and topographic condition as well. The parameter characteristics provide a reference for the forecasting of severe precipitation.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1998.Radar Echo Parameters of Severe Precipitation in Jiangxi Province[J].Meteor Mon,24(6):32-35.
,1998.Radar Echo Parameters of Severe Precipitation in Jiangxi Province[J].Meteor Mon,24(6):32-35.