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中文摘要: 将美国学者J.T.Ritchie等研制的作物生长模拟模式(CERES-小麦模式)中的土壤水分平衡子模式应用于我国半干旱地区甘肃省西峰市农业气象试验站固定地块麦地土壤水分的模拟,对原有模式中潜在蒸散、地表蒸发和作物蒸腾加以修正,同时,为增强模式的应用性能,引入一种由作物生育期来估算作物根系最大深度和土壤各层相对根密度的方法。改进后的土壤水分平衡模式取得较好的应用效果,为旱地农田土壤水分管理提供了一种方便、适用的方法。
Abstract:A water balance sub model of crop growth model,CERES wheat model,which was established originally by American scientist J.T. Ritchie et al.,was applied to simulate soil moisture of a fixed winter wheat plot at the Xifeng Agrometeorological Experimental Station,Gansu Province,located in semi arid zone. Corrections were made to estimate potential evapotranspiration,soil surface evaporation,crop transpiration,and root density and maximum rooting depth. Both the density and depth were represented as two functions of crop developmental stages respectively. The improvement achieved good results in soil moisture prediction and may provide a convenient and practical method for management of croped soil moisture in arid or semi arid zone.
keywords: CERES wheat model,soil water balance,soil surface evaporation,transpiration,relative root density
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1998.An Improved Model for Soil Water Balance[J].Meteor Mon,24(6):17-21.
,1998.An Improved Model for Soil Water Balance[J].Meteor Mon,24(6):17-21.