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中文摘要: 首先分析了属于台风与西风槽的相互作用型的9608号台风在其登陆后台风核心区总能量及其组成部分的变化。结果指出,决定总能量再度增长的主要是潜热能,而此时潜热能的增长是同台风东侧低层偏南急流有密切关系。台风的东北象限内潜热能增长最盛,特大暴雨区恰也在这个象限。其次利用对流层高层散度风场与旋转风场的配置,从散度风动能与旋转风动能之间的转换关系,半定量地估计台风东侧黄海、渤海、日本海高压上空反气旋环流的增衰。结果表明低压区上空排出的散度风有利于高压上空反气旋环流的维持与加强,可保证暴雨持续2~3天。最后给出台风与西风槽相互作用型下的东西向垂直环流模式。
中文关键词: 台风,总能量,散度风动能的转换
Abstract:Firstly,variations of the total energy and its compositions at the central area of the lan-
ded Typhoon 9608,which belongs to the pattern of the interaction between Typhoon and
westerly trough,have been analysed.The results show that as a result of the latent heat en
ergy increase,the total energy increased once again.But the increase of the latent heat energy was closely related to the low level jet of east by south wind on the east side of the Typhoo.And,within the east-north quadrant of the Typhoon the latent heat energy increaseed vigorously,and there is the maximum rainfall area as well.Secondly,using the arrangements between the divergent wind field and the rotation wind field at upper level of the troposphere,and the conversion relation between the kinetic energies of the divergent wind and the rotation wind,the variation tendency for maintaining the upper level anticyclonic circulation located on the east of Typhoon and over Bohai Sea-Japanese sea has been estimated by eyes.The divergent wind flowed from upper level over the depression area was advantageous to maintain and strengthen the upper anticyclonic circulation.Finally,the east-west vertical circulation scheme of the pattern of the interaction between Typhoon and westerly trough is given.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1998.The Total Energy Variation during the Northward after Typhoon 9608 Landfall over China and The Maintenance of Bohai Japanese Sea High[J].Meteor Mon,24(6):3-10.
,1998.The Total Energy Variation during the Northward after Typhoon 9608 Landfall over China and The Maintenance of Bohai Japanese Sea High[J].Meteor Mon,24(6):3-10.