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中文摘要: 利用西半球1980—1990年常规天气图资料及纽约逐日降水资料,将冬半年北美温带气旋分为3类,分析了它们的气候特征、形成过程及其对纽约降水的影响。结果表明:北美温带气旋冬半年平均频数51个,年际变化不大;月际分布最多月为12个,最少月只有5个;不同类型气旋的时间分布及对纽约降水的影响存在明显差异。
中文关键词: 北美温带气旋,气候特征,年际变化
Abstract:Using routine weather maps of west hemisphere and daily precipitation data of New York from 1980 to 1990,extratropical cyclone in North America has been classified as three types. The climatic features, process of formation of three types and its influence on rainfall of New York have been analysed. The results show that the mean frequency of extratropical cyclone during winter time is fifty-one,its annual chang is small;Cyclone number is twelve in maximum month, five in minimum month,the distribution on time of three types of cyclones and their affection on precipitation of New York are different.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.Extratropical Cyclone in North America and Its Influence on Precipitation of New York[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):51-54.
,1997.Extratropical Cyclone in North America and Its Influence on Precipitation of New York[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):51-54.