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中文摘要: 分析了1993年12月至1994年11月的大气臭氧总量资料并与同纬度全球平均值进行比较,分析了大气臭氧总量的年变化、日变化和季节变化。结果表明,臭氧总量的年变化中有双峰特征,它的日变化则以中午时较高,早晚较低;季节变化以春季高,冬季低,与大气透明度的关系较为密切。
中文关键词: 臭氧总量,直射光,天顶光
Abstract:The data of total atmospheric ozone in East China from Dec. 1993 to Nov. 1994 is analysed and compared with globe average in same latitude. The annual, diurnal and seasonal changes of total atmospheric ozone are discussed. The results show that there is the characteristic of double peak of total ozone in annual change,and the total ozone is higher in the noon and lower in the morning and evening. The amount in spring is higher than in winter. The relationship between the total ozone with atmospheric transparecy is more intimate.
keywords: total ozone, direct sun, zenith sky
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
洪盛茂 | 浙江临安大气本底污染监测站,311307 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.The Change of Total Atmospheric Ozone in East China[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):44-46.
,1997.The Change of Total Atmospheric Ozone in East China[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):44-46.