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中文摘要: 根据27架次粒子测量系统(PMS)的探测资料,综合分析了影响山东春、秋季降水云系的微物理特征,计算了探测层以上云中积分含水量,并依据综合分析结果对山东春、秋季降水性层状云的人工引晶剂量进行了探讨。
中文关键词: PMS资料,综合分析,催化条件,播撒剂量
Abstract:By means of the data from measurements with the particle measuring system CPMS) during 27 flights,a synthetical study of the microphysical structure of stratiform clouds is presented. On a certain assumption, the accumulated water content in the c;louds above the observational level is estimated according to the particles image data. Based on synthetical resuhs,the appropriate dose of catalyst to the stratiform clouds in spring and fall is discussed.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.Study of the Microphysical Structure and Seedable Conditions of Stratiform Clouds in Spring and Fall[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):3-7.
,1997.Study of the Microphysical Structure and Seedable Conditions of Stratiform Clouds in Spring and Fall[J].Meteor Mon,23(5):3-7.