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中文摘要: 满城防雹10年期间,从该县山区、平原(各占全县面积的一半)雹灾面积的变化来看,虽然都有明显的效果(与历史比,雹灾面积分别下降了45%和90%),但却有明显的差异。造成这种差异的原因是多方面的,可能有自然的因素,但更重要的可能是人工防雹作业时机的差异。
中文关键词: 防雹效果,差异,雹灾面积
Abstract:The effect of artificial hail suppression is obviously in the area change of hail damage during 10 years at Mancheng county in Hebei province. The area of hail damage decreased 45% and 90% respectively in the mountains and the plains of this county as compared with historicol data. The difference in two regions was also caused by the artificial hail suppression.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.The Contrast Analysis on Effect of Hail Suppression[J].Meteor Mon,22(12):31-34.
,1996.The Contrast Analysis on Effect of Hail Suppression[J].Meteor Mon,22(12):31-34.