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中文摘要: 介绍了一种新型(WR-1B型)增雨防雹火箭的结构,催化作业过程以及其性能特点同现有的三七高炮比较所具有的优越性;同时阐述了用雷达指挥火箭进行防雹作业的技术方法和要求。
中文关键词: 火箭,防雹,催化作业
Abstract:A new rocket WR-1B of anti-hail and artifical precipitation has been described with its structure, working and seeding process and superior feature and property to the gun “37”. Meanwhile,the technique and requirement for hail suppression by this rocket conducted by a radar has been expounded.
keywords: rocket, hail suppression, seeding
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.Technique Research on Hail Suppression by Rocket WR-1B Conducted by Radar[J].Meteor Mon,22(7):52-56.
,1996.Technique Research on Hail Suppression by Rocket WR-1B Conducted by Radar[J].Meteor Mon,22(7):52-56.