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中文摘要: 1995年,世界气候普遍偏暖。欧亚大陆大部、北美大陆中部、南美大陆中部、非洲西北部的年平均气温大多偏高1—2℃,其中俄罗斯大部、美国西南部显著偏高(2-3℃),部分地区偏高4℃。北半球中高纬度地区冬暖非常显著。由于北半球中纬度地区夏季副热带高压异常偏强,高温热浪席卷东亚、南亚、欧洲、北美大陆东部的大片地区,许多测站气温高达35—49℃,为近几十年乃至百年一遇。年内,全球许多地区旱涝频繁,诸如年初欧洲的暴风雪与美国加利福尼亚州的特大洪水及夏季朝鲜、南亚与中南半岛的大水灾、加勒比海的飓风等危害空前严重。澳大利
中文关键词: 世界气候,暖冬,旱涝
Abstract:The world climate in 1995 was generally warmer than normal,especially during winter at the mid-high latitudes over the Northern Hemisphere. In summer,large sections of subtropical zones in the Northern Hemisphere were hit by heat wave. Severe droughts persisted in southern Africa and Australia. Serious floods happened in West Europe and the USA California State during winter and in the monsoon regions during summer or autumn.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.World Climate in 1995[J].Meteor Mon,22(4):24-26.
,1996.World Climate in 1995[J].Meteor Mon,22(4):24-26.