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中文摘要: 1995年,我国大部地区降水正常或偏多,但季节分配不均。春季,北方干旱范围较大,陕、甘等省冬春夏连旱,旱情严重。汛期,江南及东北南部暴雨频繁,赣、湘、辽、吉等省发生严重洪涝。全国大部地区热量比较充足,但光照条件欠佳,部分地区作物遭受低温寡照或霜冻危害。登陆台风和热带风暴偏多,两广局地损失严重。部分地区遭受风雹或沙尘暴袭击。
中文关键词: 天气气候,干旱,洪涝
Abstract:There was normal or more precipitation in the most of China in 1995,but there was a seasonal variance of precipitation distribution. The Spring drought extent was larger in the North,the continuous drought was very serious in Shanxi and Gansu provinces in winter,spring and summer. Hard rain was frequent in Jiangnan and the southern part of Northeast in summer,and the flooding occurred in some regions. The thermal condition was better and the sunshine level was poor. Landed typhoon and tropical storm was more than normal. Some regions were hit by hailstorm and dust devil.
keywords: weather/climate,drought,flooding
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.The Feature of Weather/Climate in China in 1995[J].Meteor Mon,22(4):17-19.
,1996.The Feature of Weather/Climate in China in 1995[J].Meteor Mon,22(4):17-19.