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中文摘要: 讨论了应用NOAA-AVHRR资料提取水体信息的方法。采用1、2通道反射率数据(CH1、CH2)构成的归一化植被指数(NDVI)来识别水体,并初步提出了应用模糊数学方法提取混合像元中的水体面积信息。
中文关键词: 归一化植被指数,模糊数学方法,混合像元,水体信息
Abstract:The methods of applying .NOAA-AVHRR data to make water area are discussed. The water area are identified by NDVI made of CHI and CH2,and the way of applying fuzzy mathematics to make water area of the mixed. pixel are put forward.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1995.Studies of Applying Fuzzy Mathematics to Make Water Area of the Mixed Pixel[J].Meteor Mon,21(4):46-49.
,1995.Studies of Applying Fuzzy Mathematics to Make Water Area of the Mixed Pixel[J].Meteor Mon,21(4):46-49.