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中文摘要: 5、6月全州性大雨是红河州的关键性天气之一。大雨过程预报对红河州工农业生产有着重要的意义。在假定相似大气状况和过程产生相似结果的基础上,将Shepard插值方法引入到大雨过程预报中,试用结果表明,效果显著。
中文关键词: 插值,大雨预报,非线性,非模式
Abstract:In Honghe district,strong rainfall in May or April is the key weather,it is significant for agriculture and industry to predict the strong rainfall successfully.So, based on the assumption thatthe similiar atmospheric situation makes the similiar results,Shepard interpolation is drawn intoweather forecast and one kind of nonlinear nonmedel method is obtained.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1994.A Preliminary Study on Prediction of Strong Rainfall by Shepard Interpolation[J].Meteor Mon,20(7):47-49.
,1994.A Preliminary Study on Prediction of Strong Rainfall by Shepard Interpolation[J].Meteor Mon,20(7):47-49.