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中文摘要: 介绍了3台遥测气象站样机的现场试验结果。这些样机已中标并为中国气象局所初选。除试验结果外,还介绍了试验安排、试验方法和试验质量。试验表明,当这些遥测站处于正常运行条件下,观测准确度可以基本满足CIMO对自动站的要求。旬、月平均值与人工观测值没有明显差异。但是,这些遥测站在运行中经常出现故障,所以,它们不能用于业务工作中,现在改进样机正在现场进行试验。
中文关键词: 有线遥测,自动气象站,对比试验
Abstract:The field experiment results of three prototypes of AWS are described.These prototypes submitted a tender and had been preliminary selected by CMA. The experiment shows that under normal conditions,the observing accuracy could basically meet the requirement of CIMO for AWS.Their average vaines for ten days and for a month have no obvious differences with manual observation. But the stations failue often appeared in operation. So that they cannot be used in professional work.The improved prototypes are being tested in field stations now.
keywords: wire-remote,AWS,field comparison test
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1994.The Results of Field Comparison of the Remote Meteorological Observing Stations[J].Meteor Mon,20(5):24-27.
,1994.The Results of Field Comparison of the Remote Meteorological Observing Stations[J].Meteor Mon,20(5):24-27.