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中文摘要: 分析表明,冬小麦白粉病发生程度的轻重,取决于当地小麦孕穗期前后的光照、降水量、雨日数和日平均相对湿度等气候因素。利用多因子综合相关法,通过计算条件频率,得出淮北地区冬小麦白粉病发病程度的预报方程,其历史拟合率达91.7%。
中文关键词: 白粉病发生程度,多因子综合相关法,条件频率
Abstract:Analysis shows the seriousness of the powdery mildew of winter wheat in the Huaibei area,Anhui Province, depends on some climatic factors, such as sunshine-hour, precipitation, rainy day,and daily mean relative humidity,etc., A equation for forecasting how serious powdery mildew of winter wheat is obtained with multiple correlation analysis and its historical fitting probability is 91.7%.
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作者 | 单位 |
祁宦 | 安徽宿县行署气象局 234000 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1994.Forecasting of Powdery mildew of Winter Wheat in the Huaibei Area[J].Meteor Mon,20(2):40-43.
,1994.Forecasting of Powdery mildew of Winter Wheat in the Huaibei Area[J].Meteor Mon,20(2):40-43.