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中文摘要: 根据浙江人民医院急诊科1985~1989年184例脑卒中病例,结合杭州市气象台气象要素和浙江省气象台历史天气图资料,以综合的动态观点,采用统计及合成分析方法,得出脑卒中易发时段与天气过程的基本关系,建立起概念模式,进而普查造成天气过程的主要天气系统和发病日的天气形势,可供在气象预报的基础上预测脑卒中易发时段,为医学气象预测咨询提供依据。
中文关键词: 脑卒中,天气过程,概念模式,医学气象预测
Abstract:Based on 184 cerebral accidents in Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital and the meteorological data from 1985 to 1989 ,the relationship between cerebral accidents and weather processes is obtained with methods of statistical and composite analysis and from dynamic point of view. A conception model of forecasting the periods during which more cerebral, accidents would occur is given.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
印佩芳 | 浙江省气象局,杭州 310002 |
马辛宇 | 浙江省气象局,杭州 310002 |
袁军 | 浙江省气象局,杭州 310002 |
张淑云 | 浙江省气象局,杭州 310002 |
袭建强 | 浙江省气象局,杭州 310002 |
许显福 | 浙江省人民医院 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1993.The Relationship between Cerebral Accidents and Weather Processes[J].Meteor Mon,19(12):44-47.
,1993.The Relationship between Cerebral Accidents and Weather Processes[J].Meteor Mon,19(12):44-47.