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中文摘要: 根据1990—1992年ECMWF BAF 预告图预报台风能力的评估统计,并通过1992年15、16、19号3个台风预报分析的实例,说明数值预告产品对台风的预报能力已超过经验预报的水平。指出综合分析数值预告产品和卫星云图可以收到很好的效果。
中文关键词: 数值预告产品,卫星云图,台风预报
Abstract:Assessments of ability to typhoon forecast with ECMWF BAF prediction charts from1990—1992 and forecast examples of the three typhoons 9215,9216 and 9219 are made,and theresults show that NWP is more trustworthy than the empirical one.It is indicated that good effectcan be gotten with NWP products and satellite image.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1993.Predicting Typhoon with NWP Products and Satellite Image[J].Meteor Mon,19(10):21-24.
,1993.Predicting Typhoon with NWP Products and Satellite Image[J].Meteor Mon,19(10):21-24.