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中文摘要: 运用1小时间隔的数字红外云图和常规气象资料,分析了1992年4月20—22日造成我国中南部地区一次较大范围强风雹天气中的中尺度对流系统活动,展示了卫星资料与常规气象资料相结合,在中尺度天气分析和临近预报中的潜力。
中文关键词: 强风雹天气,中尺度对流系统,临近预报
Abstract:The evolution and motion of mesoscale convective. systems which caused severe convective weather over middle and south China during 20-22 April 1992 are investigated. The results show that the combination of satellite data and conventional data is very useful and potential for mesoscale systems monitoring and nowcasting..
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1993.A Case Study of Severe Convective WeatherProcess Over South China[J].Meteor Mon,19(9):35-39.
,1993.A Case Study of Severe Convective WeatherProcess Over South China[J].Meteor Mon,19(9):35-39.