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中文摘要: 用1958-1989年32年天气图资料分析了阿尔泰山背风坡气旋的气候特点,指出这是亚洲最大的背风坡温带气旋生成区。气旋生成次数有年际、月际变化,1958-1977年有逐年减少趋势,此后又有所增加。主要移动路径为向东略偏北。气旋生成时的强度有年际、月际变化,有逐年增强的趋势。气旋生成后多数不再加深,移到中国东北和海洋上才发展加深,极少数在海洋上爆发性发展,爆发性发展参数较独特。
中文关键词: 背风坡气旋,生成次数,发展加深,气候特征
Abstract:Based on the historical surface synoptic maps for the period 1958-1989, the climatological analysis of the Altai lee cyclogenesis is presented. The Altai lee cyclogenesis area is the greatest in Asia. There are pronounced seasonal variation of the frequency of the lee cyclogenesis, the trend of the Altai lee cyclogenesis showed a decline from 1958 to 1977. The trend of pressure of the cyclogenesis showed a decrease from 1958 to 1989. A few Altai lee cyclones explosively deepen over the Japan Sea and the Pacific ocean.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1993.The Climatic Characteristics of the Altai Lee Cyclone[J].Meteor Mon,19(3):3-6.
,1993.The Climatic Characteristics of the Altai Lee Cyclone[J].Meteor Mon,19(3):3-6.