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中文摘要: 本文通过亚热带西部山区与亚热带东部地区积温有效性的对比指出,西部亚热带山区无效积温少,有效积温高于或相当于东部地区;西部的日温周期更适宜于亚热带植物的生长,西部山区能量等效积温比实际积溫高500—1000℃。最后提出划分亚热带西北界限的指标为≥10℃积温>4000℃(湿润区)和>4200℃(半干旱区)。
Abstract:In this paper,the effectiveness of accumulated temperatures in the western mountain areas and eastern areas of China over the sub-tropical regions is intercompared. The results show that the ineffective accumulated temperature appeas less in the western mountain areas but effective accumulated temperature occurs more frequently than or equal to those in the eastern areas.The period of day temperature in the western area is more suitable for growing of sub-tropical flora.The equiva-lantly accumulated temperature is 500--1000℃ higher than the actualone in the western mountain areas.Finally, the index of demarcating line of sub-tropical northwest areas is given.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1991.Study on the effectiveness of accumulated temperature in the sub-tropical western moutain areas in China[J].Meteor Mon,17(9):21-25.
,1991.Study on the effectiveness of accumulated temperature in the sub-tropical western moutain areas in China[J].Meteor Mon,17(9):21-25.