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中文摘要: 近40年来,我国年平均气温以0.04℃/10年的倾向率上升,最大增温在东北和华北地区;长江流域以及西南地区的年平均气温不但没有增加反而呈下降趋势。我国年降水量以-12.66mm/10年速度减少,除湖北、四川部分地区外,全国降水都呈减少的趋势。降水量的减少使得干旱和沙漠化成为我国气候的两个突出问题。
Abstract:In the paper,the annually mean temperature and rainfall at 160 stations in China from 1951 to 1989 are calculated climatically with a linear trend equation.In the period,the annually mean temperature of the whole country were arising at a rate of 0.04℃/10-year.The maximum value of warming occured in North China and Northeast China,but annually mean temperatures in the Changjiang River Valley and Southwest China appeared with a continuous drop. In respect of climatology jthe annual rainfall of the whole country was decreasing, at a rate-of -12.66mm/10-year.Except for some areas in Hubei and Sichuan Provinces,the precipi-tation decreases.The droughtization and desertization caused by rainfall-decreasing have become two vital climatic problems in China.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1990.Climatic trend in China for the last 40 years[J].Meteor Mon,16(10):16-21.
,1990.Climatic trend in China for the last 40 years[J].Meteor Mon,16(10):16-21.