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中文摘要: 本文分析了卫星接收到的地球向外长波辐射(OLR,Outgoing Longwave Radiation)资料,发现40天左右的低频振荡在西太平洋地区非常活跃。这种低频波似与台风的生成有密切关系。1979年6—9月台风的生成,在空间分布上有明显的集中性,在时间分布上也清楚地集中在三个阶段。这正好与OLR低频振荡的对流位相很一致。看来使用OLR资料比使用常规天气资料能够更好地描述西太平洋ITCZ的活动情况。本文所得到的初步结果可能有助于台风生成的中期预报。
Abstract:The OLR data were applied in this study to detect the low-frequency mode which are pronouced in the equatorial Indian Ocean, and the Western Pacific. 40 day OLR oscillations are closely related to the formation of typyoon. There are some cluster characterists of the typhoon formation not only in spacial but also in temporal distribution. The period when the typhoon frequently occurred was consistent with convec-tive phase of low-frequency mode. This result will be useful to the midium range forecast of the typhoon formation.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1987.Relationship between OLR low-frequency oscillation and the formation of typhoon over the Western Pacific[J].Meteor Mon,13(10):8-13.
,1987.Relationship between OLR low-frequency oscillation and the formation of typhoon over the Western Pacific[J].Meteor Mon,13(10):8-13.