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投稿时间:2019-06-12 修订日期:2019-11-15
投稿时间:2019-06-12 修订日期:2019-11-15
中文摘要: 阵列天气雷达是一种具有高时空分辨率的新型天气雷达,采用分布式相控阵技术探测强对流天气的精细化流场和强度场,为小尺度强对流天气研究提供了新技术及工具。文章提出一种高分辨率强度场融合方法:计算每个方位向和仰角方向分辨率扩展系数,依次对强度值进行填充;将极坐标形式强度值转换成笛卡尔坐标;对多个收发子阵强度值进行融合。利用模拟雷达探测来定性及定量地评价高分辨率强度场融合结果,验证了融合方法的有效性。通过分析了一次真实降水个例,证明了本文得到的100 m分辨率的强度场融合资料具有更为精细完整的回波结构。
中文关键词: 阵列天气雷达,高分辨率,相控阵技术,强度场,融合
Abstract:Array weather radar (AWR) is a novel weather radar with high spatio-temporal resolution, which can detect the fine flow field and intensity field of severe convection weather by employing a distri-buted phased array technology and provide a new technology and instrument for researching the small-scale weather systems. A high-resolution intensity field fusion method is proposed in this paper. The resolution expansion factors for each azimuth and elevation direction are calculated, and the intensity is filled successively. The polar intensity field is converted to Cartesian coordinates, and the intensity field of different transmit-receive subarrays are fused. The objective evaluation of simulated small-scale severe convection detection is used to verify the performance of a proposed high-resolution fusion method. Through a case of real precipitation process, it is proved that 100 m intensity field fusion data obtained in this paper has a more detailed and complete echo structure.
keywords: array weather radar (AWR), high-resolution, phased array technology, intensity field, fusion
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
YE Kai,YANG Ling,MA Shuqing,ZHEN Xiaoqiong,SUN Jingyi,2020.Research on High-Resolution Intensity Field Fusion Method of Array Weather Radar[J].Meteor Mon,46(8):1065-1073.
YE Kai,YANG Ling,MA Shuqing,ZHEN Xiaoqiong,SUN Jingyi,2020.Research on High-Resolution Intensity Field Fusion Method of Array Weather Radar[J].Meteor Mon,46(8):1065-1073.